
RÚV English Radio

Episode 532 - AUÐSKILIÐ - CRUMBLING ROADS, in simple Icelandic

Today on RÚV English Radio, a bonus Friday episode of Auðskilið!

Bjarni joins Darren again to read a news story in simple Icelandic.

We look at the rapidly deteriorating state of some of the country's roads.

As ever, you can practice your Icelandic by following along with the text here - https://www.ruv.is/audskilid/2025-02-18-sumir-vegir-gaetu-ordid-malarvegir-436519

RÚV English Radio can be heard freely around the world and in Iceland, and covers everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places & more - in English.

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RÚV English Radio, from Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

Email english@ruv.is or find us on Facebook.


21. feb. 2025

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

We cover everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more.

Hear a new programme, in English, every day, on RÚV English Radio - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is

