
RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English Radio is in Eyrarbakki.

The house at Bakkastofa is where artists Ásta Kristrún Ragnarsdóttir and Valgeir Guðjónsson live; respectively. a writer, counsellor, visual stage director and storyteller, and a celebrated composer, lyricist and performer.

Together they offer tailor-made cultural programs for small groups - https://www.bakkastofa.com/english - who come to the house from far and wide to hear Ásta's stories and Valgeir's music, in a beautiful and historic setting on Iceland's south coast.

The experiences deal with history and culture, dating back to the Settlement of Iceland, up to our present day.

Darren met Valgeir and Ásta in their home to hear about the history of the town, and what audiences make of their unique offer.

RÚV English Radio is daily radio coverage of everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more, in the English language.

You can find this episode and all our previous daily English shows and podcasts on Spotify, Apple, or any other podcast place.

Subscribe too, to never miss a show.

Hear a new programme, in English, every weekday, on RÚV English Radio - https://www.ruv.is/utvarp/spila/ruv-english-radio/34448 - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is, and find us on Facebook.


27. nóv. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

We cover everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more.

Hear a new programme, in English, every day, on RÚV English Radio - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is

