
RÚV English Radio


Iceland Airwaves, the annual festival of live music from here and elsewhere, picked up the Best Indoor Festival award at the recent European Festival Awards in Groningen in the Netherlands. It marks a great start to a year in which the festival should be truly back and better than ever after Covid so utterly - but hopefully only temporarily - changed the landscape for live music.

Iceland Airwaves crams the capital's venues full of live music for three days each November. Today on the RÚV English Podcast, Darren catches up with Festival Director Ísleifur Þórhallsson, to find out more about this essential fixture in Iceland's musical calendar, as it approaches its quarter-century.

The episode plays out with "Headlights", from Vök's self-titled 2022 album. The band are no stranger to the Airwaves stages.


3. feb. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

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