
RÚV English Radio


Every week, the foreign news desk here at RÚV produces a radio programme, and a podcast, about foreign affairs and world events.

The programme is called Heimskviður, and is broadcast on Rás 1 on Saturday afternoons.

Here on RÚV English Radio we strive to bring not just Iceland but RÚV to the world in English, and many of the interviews that are recorded for Heimskviður happen in English.

Occasionally here on RÚV English Radio you'll have the chance to hear some of those interviews, in full, in English.

Azam Ahmed is the author of Fear Is Just A Word - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fear-Just-Word-Azam-Ahmed/dp/0349726914/ - the true story of a young woman held hostage and then killed by a Mexican gang, and her mother's subsequent quest to avenge that act - leading, it seems, to her own death at the criminals' hands.

RÚV's Birta Björnsdóttir spoke to Azam about the book, on Heimskviður - https://www.ruv.is/utvarp/spila/heimskvidur/29234/8mpgel

RÚV English Radio is daily radio coverage of everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more, in the English language.

You can find this episode and all our previous daily English shows and podcasts on Spotify, Apple, or any other podcast place.

Subscribe too, to never miss a show.

Hear a new programme, in English, every weekday, on RÚV English Radio - https://www.ruv.is/utvarp/spila/ruv-english-radio/34448 - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is, and find us on Facebook.


21. feb. 2024

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

We cover everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more.

Hear a new programme, in English, every day, on RÚV English Radio - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is

