
RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English looks ahead to an international festival in Akranes next month.

Taking place at the Jáðarsbakki sports hall in the town, The Festival of Nations West Iceland (Þjóðahátið Vesturlands) - https://www.facebook.com/festivalnationsiceland - is a cultural initiative that aims to highlight the diversity of nations represented among the Icelandic population, and and foster a sense of understanding among different communities.

As ever, there will be many nations represented with performances, sampling from various countries' national food, handcrafts and much more, as well as lots of information about different cultures, and multicultural performances.

This year the festival takes place on Saturday 16 September, between 2 and 5pm, and is free and family-friendly.

If you would like to represent your nation in any way, perhaps by cooking or performing, or in some other way, the organisers ask you to go here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfphkFVYUZ5yLccshx0RtgiRTiTgFfsJxCifKmRdK0KojHapw/viewform - and and complete an application.

Darren spoke to Raquel Herrera and Maxine Hagen from the festival, at the Andrými social centre in Reykjavík (https://andrymi.org/), about the fun that lies in store in Akranes next month.

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The RÚV English Podcast is daily English language programming from RÚV, the national broadcaster of Iceland.


22. ágúst 2023

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