
RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English gazes into the night sky, as Icelandic art is sent to the lunar surface.

Over the next couple of years, thirty thousand pieces of art will have been sent to the Moon, in four separate time capsules, as part of the Lunar Codex projet (https://www.lunarcodex.com/).

At least two of these artworks will come from Iceland.

Artists Helen Cova (https://www.helencova.com/home-2) and Michelle Bird (https://www.theartofmichellebird.com/overview) will see two pieces of their art make the journey to the Moon.

Darren went to Borgarnes to meet Michelle, and Helen, who joined the conversation via Zoom from Flateyri.

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The RÚV English Podcast is daily English language programming from RÚV, the national broadcaster of Iceland.


18. sept. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

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