Every week, the foreign news desk here at RÚV produces a radio program, and a podcast, about foreign affairs and world events. The programme is called HEIMSKVIÐUR, and is broadcast on Rás 1 on Saturday afternoons.
Here on the RÚV English Podcast service we strive to bring not just Iceland but RÚV to the world in English, and many of the interviews that are recorded for HEIMSKVIÐUR happen in English. Occasionally here on the Podcast, you'll have the chance to hear some of those interviews, in full, in English.
Recently, Björn Malmquist, one of the presenters on that show, former The Week In Iceland guest, and RÚV's Brussels-based correspondent, spoke to Rachel King, Curator of the European Renaissance and the Waddesdon Bequest at the British Museum in London. In 2019, a heart shaped pendant was found in Warwickshire by metal detectorist Charlie Clarke. What he had discovered was a huge and spectacular early Tudor pendant and chain, made in gold and enamel and bearing the initials and symbols of Henry VIII and his first wife, Katherine of Aragon.
Rachel told Björn about the pendant, and its incredible discovery.
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