
RÚV English Radio


Today on RÚV English Radio, you can hear from the leaders of Iceland's political parties, in their own words, in English.

Elections to Alþingi, Iceland's parliament, are just a few days away. Sixty three MPs will be elected, and a government will be formed.

Eleven parties are seeking election to Alþingi. We asked the leader of each to record a message for you, in English, and today you can hear what those leaders and other representatives have to say. Whether you are an Icelandic citizen who is able to vote, or not, we hope you find their messages interesting.

The eleven speakers are listed here in order, together with their party names in English and Icelandic. In brackets, you will find the letter (or symbol) that identifies those parties in the electoral process.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, leader of Centre Party / Miðflokkurinn (M)

Arnar Þór Jónsson, leader of Democracy Party / Lýðræðisflokkurinn (L)

Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir, leader of Icelandic Socialist Party / Sósíalistaflokkur Íslands (J)

Bjarni Benediktsson, leader of the Independence Party / Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (D)

Finnur Ricart Andrason, lead candidate for Left-Greens / Vinstri græn (V)

Þorgerður Katrin Gunnarsdóttir, leader of Liberal Reform Party / Viðreisn (C)

Sigurjón Arnórsson, chief campaign manager of People's Party / Flokkur fólksins (F)

Derek Terell Allen, on list in Reykjavík South for Pirate Party / Píratar (P)

Lilja Alfredsdóttir, minister, Progressive Party / Framsóknarflokkurinn (B)

Jóhannes Loftsson, leader of Responsible Future / Ábyrg framtíð (Y) *party running in Reykjavík North only

Kristrún Frostadóttir, leader of Social Democratic Alliance / Samfylkingin (S)

There is ongoing coverage of the election up to and on election day, at ruv.is/english

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27. nóv. 2024

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

We cover everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more.

Hear a new programme, in English, every day, on RÚV English Radio - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is

