
RÚV English Radio


Today, The RÚV English Podcast visits the Settlement Centre in Borgarnes, in West Iceland.

In two of the town's oldest buildings, The Settlement Centre recreates Iceland's earliest days and introduces visitors to one of the best known heroes of the Icelandic Sagas. Rather than a traditional museum, the Settlement Centre is an installation. Multi-media and theatrical techniques help the visitor experience first hand the excitement of setting sail.

There are two exhibitions - one tells the story of the first settlers, the other reveals the story of Iceland's most important saga - Egils Saga. Egill Skalla-Grimson was a famous Viking and poet, and his saga is closely linked to the settlement period, as his father was one of the first settlers.

Darren meets up with the founders and owners, Sigríður Margrét Guðmundsdóttir and Kjartan Ragnarsson, to find out more about the Centre, which has been a much-loved part of Borgarnes since 2006.

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25. apríl 2023

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