
RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English Radio is in Iceland's most northerly mainland town: Raufarhöfn.

The Arctic Henge - https://www.arctichenge.com/english/ - is located in Raufarhöfn, in the sparsely populated northeastern Melrakkaslétta peninsula.

It is a unique and enigmatic monument inspired by ancient Norse mythology.

This modern stone circle serves as a sundial, celestial calendar, and homage to the region's cultural heritage.

Four stone arches are inspired by the four cardinal dwarves of Norse mythology, Austri, Norðri, Suðri and Vestri, that face their namesake, east, north, south and west. These four dwarves are acknowledged in the Prose Edda , and assigned a role by Odin, the god of wisdom, to hold up the sky.

In this piece the dwarves are assigned an additional role, along with the sixty eight dwarves mentioned in Völuspá and together they form a calendar.

Darren marched up the deeply snowbound hill to the Arctic Henge, on a bitterly cold February day, with Nanna Steina Höskuldsdóttir.

RÚV English Radio is daily radio coverage of everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more, in the English language.

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1. mars 2024

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

We cover everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, people, places and more.

Hear a new programme, in English, every day, on RÚV English Radio - part of Iceland's national broadcasting service, RÚV.

If you have an idea for a show, or just want to get in touch, email anytime - english@ruv.is

