
RÚV English Radio

Episode 46 - THE WEEK IN ICELAND - Kolbeinn Dalrymple

Today from The RÚV English Podcast service, a new episode of The Week In Iceland.

Darren's guest is journalist Kolbeinn Dalrymple, making a return visit to the show.

They discuss the arrest in Brazil of Sverrir Þór "Sveddi Tönn" Gunnarsson, developments in the scrapie outbreak, the fall in worldwide petrol prices which don't seem to be reaching Iceland, the hopes for cheap post-Páska chocolate - and the hairy Huskies earning their keep in the North!

Today's episode plays out with Kæri heimur by FLOTT.

Email RÚV English any time - english@ruv.is, or find us on Facebook at facebook.com/ruvenglish or Twitter @RUVEnglish


17. apríl 2023

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