
RÚV English Radio

Episode 44 - AUÐSKILIÐ - Niceair cancel flights - in simple Icelandic

Today from The RÚV English Podcast service, an episode of Auðskilið - the news in easy-to-understand Icelandic.

Atli joins Darren to read the original story about airline Niceair having to cancel flights from Akureyri.

Follow along here - https://www.ruv.is/audskilid/2023-04-05-nice-air-aflysir-ollu-flugi - as ever, we start just after the photo.

And find more news in simple Icelandic at https://www.ruv.is/audskilid

Email RÚV English any time - english@ruv.is, or find us on Facebook at facebook.com/ruvenglish or Twitter @RUVEnglish


13. apríl 2023

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