
RÚV English Radio


The University cinema theatre, Háskólabíó, will be transformed into seventies LA on Saturday, for a very special birthday that never was.

Jim Morrison at 80 is a birthday show with live accompaniment and a story time about the life and fortunes of the famous frontman of the band The Doors, who would have been eighty years old this year.

Award winning singer Björgvin Franz Gíslason comes to life in the role of Morrison, together with The Doors tribute band, who play all the band's most famous songs.

The narrator is Vera Illugadóttir, who will shed light on the history of Morrison, and the band.

Darren met with Björgvin and director Greta Salóme for a preview of what audiences at Háskólabíó, the University cinema theatre, can expect this Saturday.

Tickets are available at https://www.midix.is/web/event/event_id/100

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22. sept. 2023

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