
RÚV English Radio


Today on RÚV English Radio, the feast of Icelandic manuscripts and literature which becomes available to view in the heart of Reykjavík tomorrow.

A new exhibition will be opened in Edda (https://heimuriordum.is) from November 16, 2024. There, visitors will have the opportunity to view the Icelandic manuscripts – the nation’s most precious cultural heritage. The manuscripts contain many ancient and renowned sagas and poems, but also various other texts that reflect how previous generations thought about their lives and their society.

In addition to viewing the manuscripts themselves, visitors can explore texts and touch screens, watch videos, listen to readings of all sorts and take part in interactive play.

There is free entry until November 24.

Emily Lethbridge is Associate Research Professor at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies (https://www.arnastofnun.is/en/institute), and she spoke to Darren on the eve of the exhibition opening.

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15. nóv. 2024

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

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