
RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English is in Glæsibær, near Akureyri, to meet the hard working huskies at goHusky!

goHusky is an Icelandic family owned company by Gunnar and María that offers all year round husky tours of the surrounding area - but that's not all.

With eighteen adult dogs and a new handful of pups, there is no shortage of husky hair. María was always a keen knitter, and that made Gunnar wonder: could all of this hair be knitted like wool? He learned to spin the hair into a kind of husky yarn, from which María knits hats, gloves and other wonderfully warm items.

Darren met the dogs, and the pups, and was surprised to hear how quiet they all were, at least apart from one moment when they all decided to burst into joyful husky song!

Follow the adventures of the dogs, and the quickly growing youngsters, on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/gohuskyiceland/ - and find out more about meeting the dogs or taking a tour with them at https://gohusky.is/

Email RÚV English any time - english@ruv.is, or find us on Facebook at facebook.com/ruvenglish

The RÚV English Podcast is daily English language programming from RÚV, the national broadcaster of Iceland.


6. júní 2023

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RÚV English Radio

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