

Þáttur 14 af 100

Tónlist frá útsendingarlogg 2024-06-12

Johnson, Robert - I'm a steady rollin' man.

Mikael Máni Ásmundsson - Birthday.

Anna Gréta Sigurðardóttir - Star of spring.

Williams, Leroy, Pastorius, John, Pastorius, Mary, Thomas, Bobby, Erskine, Peter, Shorter, Wayne, Pastorius, Jaco, Molineaux, Othello - John and Mary.

Potter, Chris - Aria for Anna.

Miles Davis Orchestra, Davis, Miles - Summertime.

Armstrong, Louis and his Orchestra - If we never meet again.

Kári Egilsson Band - The Old Streets.

Davidsson - On Thin Air.

Procope, Russell, Kyle, Billy, Kirby, John, Vaughan, Sarah, Kirby, John and his Orchestra, Brereton, Clarence, Bailey, Buster, Beason, Bill - It might as well be spring.

Armstrong, Louis, Longshaw, Fred, Smith, Bessie - St. Louis blues.

Holiday, Billie and Her Orchestra - A fine romance.


12. júní 2024

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